
I am a funny, sporty, chatterbox who loves my pony.
I wonder what life would be like without laughter and happiness.
I hear branches rustling and leafs fluttering round the air
I see a flood of happiness and smiles spreading through the crowd
I want to be a famous horse rider and go to the Olympics
I pretend that I am sleeping in a cloud of candy floss,
I feel the cold winters breeze blowing on my face,
I touch the lush green grass tickling my toes,
I worry when another earthquake strikes
I cry when I hurt myself or someone else
I understand that we have no power to control natural disasters
I say "random" often
I dream that one day I will be the best rider in the world
I try to be the best me I can be
I hope that one day I will go to the Olympics or represent New Zealand for horse riding
I am a funny, sporty chatterbox who loves my pony


  1. Sounds like you are a sporty girl Catlin!!!

  1. Wow that is all I can say!!!

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