
Tick, tock, tick, tock. Time passes. Dehydrated commotion lurks about in the motionless, dead transportation. Bodies lazily lie on the prickly bushes. People struggle to find shade. A lemon gas ball sends 25 degrees of blistering heat to the side of the road. Whatever food is left is savored. The heat is getting to everyone.
Tick, tock, tick, tock. Time passes. Fresh grass wafts up sniffing noses. Cars whiz past, up the dusty road. Dirt flicks mirages away, dancing daintily on two feet. Minds are lifeless, yearning for food and water. Grass sways to the lonely music.
Tick, tock, tick, tock. Time passes. Sombre faces peak out cautiously from shade. Watches are looked at, one by one. 2:00, 3:00, 4:00. Exhaustion fills whatever breeze is hanging.
Tick, tock, tick, tock. Time is as slow as the creamy clouds drifting dreamily in the summer sunshine. Whispering Voices climb to the sapphire sky. Liquid gushes out of a broken pipe. Motors off, cooling down. The world is stuck in slow motion, black and white. Radiator is empty, no water to fill it.
Tick, tock, ti- Vrooom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What was that? Time catches up with reality as the bus to take us home arrives. A new hope was born! Sombre faces turn to laughing faces with cherry red cheeks. The world spun once more.
Tick, Tock.
By Nikita Smith


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